Boeuf Bourguignon (a.k.a. Beef Stew)

Posted on 05 Apr 2014

Boeuf Bourguignon (essentially, beef stewed in red wine), like most braising dishes is really quite easy and, in my opinion, borderline idiotproof –provided that idiot knows how to use a knife. Not to mention stewing beef in wine is one of the more delicious things you can do with it.

This recipe of mine is for a basic boeuf bourguignon, which you can get more adventurous with if you like.



A bouquet garni is simply a bunch of tided-together herbs. For this recipe, herbs that I suggest trying (and are most typical) are: rosemary, thyme, sage, parsley, bayleaf.

One thing about stew, is that it’s forgiving to modification and its ingredients can be easily added to or changed.

One can vary the root vegetables used, such as turnip/rutabaga or parsnip, or use peeled baby potatoes instead of pieces of larger ones. The addition of mushrooms (which would go in more towards the end of cooking as they’re more delicate) wouldn’t go astray, either.

Also you can substitute out sauteing chopped garlic and onion and simply stew whole garlic cloves and pearl onions in the oven with everything else.


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